


Self-catering & culinary indulgence

The kitchen is fully equipped. You can prepare your favourite food: from delicious steaks to tasty desserts. (electric & microwave ovens, electric hob, dishwasher, side-by-side refrigerator, coffee expresser - with coffee beans, mixer, food processor and electric chopper, juice extractor, utensils and tableware for any culinary thought).

You can prepare tasty meat and vegetables on the well-heated grill (barbeque) or the wood stove and, why not, on the rotisserie provided, all located outside.

If the leitmotif of the experience at Epic House is r e l a x a t i o n, we can recommend a chef, or you can invite one you appreciate, determining the desired dishes and the related costs.

epic house

Outdoor swimming pool

From May to September, we invite you to enjoy the outdoor swimming pool with heated water, pampered by the warm rays of the mountain sun, for a perfect tan that lasts all year round.


Finnish sauna (dry)

For well-being and complete relaxation, you can experience the dry sauna: therapy and pampering with unique aromas and fluffy robes.


Hot Tub Air Massage

A hot bath at low temperatures is the icing on the cake in terms of relaxation, admiring from afar the snowy ridges of the peaks of Negoiu, Suru, Şerbota, etc.



The evenings are beautiful, regardless of the season, when you can create memories by the light and warmth of the fire, in the specially arranged place...Be part of the story!

Multisport field, sports activities, reading, games, cinema

Play table tennis, football, basketball, volleyball, badminton and field tennis on the specially designed court or enjoy a bike ride. Get your body moving after a barbeque feast or a tasty potluck.

If you enjoy reading in nature as we do, you can quietly read the books in our small library (fiction and children literature), while the children can have fun on the outdoor playground or in the playroom, where they find games and toys. Finished reading a book and want to share it with other guests? You can write an epic message and donate it to our little library :D

Are you addicted to series and movies? Watch them on Netflix on your smart TV or outdoors.

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